It's been over an entire year since I posted this map, and much has happened, though I never quite got into mapping the star systems themselves as I had wanted to.

Either way, I have since made an update to the original, using a much less lazy approach. Each star was rendered differently, so each one is actually a unique texture on a sphere, colourized properly, and pasted at a severely reduced resolution onto the map. I've also managed not to save over my .xcf file this time, so I have the whole thing set up with different elements on different layers. I'm far more happy with everything else this time around, too. I'm working on adding in some other things, like better-defined political boundaries, hence the lack of that text.

Oh, and I've started writing the first of the books I mentioned in the first post there. Not really relevant to the new map, but worth mentioning.

Apologies if it would have been better to use a new post rather than dig this one up from the grave, but it is the same map, and some forums frown on making new threads when older ones are perfectly valid for the purpose.