Thanks for the comments guys, it really spurs me on to try and make it is good as I can when I get good vibes from the feedback.

Gandwarf: Hehe. Sorry to have worried you there. Really, the bright colours were only meant as an aid to visualising the country shapes (for you and for me). In fact, they are actually still in there... well... some have been changed a little but essentially they are there... they've just been changed to a Luminosity layer, which gave me the nice adjustments to my original green map that I was after.

Naeddyr: I may still adjust them slightly to make it easier to see some borders (I'm personally not fond of the small non-mountainous border between Rydony and Aronbor which is too hard to see) but not by much. I might tinker round with it and do an alternative version once I'm finished but since I changed to a more Tolkien-style hand-drawn lookfor this map I've had a very definite idea of how I wanted it to look.