Welcome to the guild! This looks really good. The image has posted, though I think you posted it twice. I like the style that you are using here. My advice/critique for the map would come from a realistic view, which not everyone follows so take this as you wish.
Rivers (except in one or two circumstances on Earth - this does not count deltas though where this does occur) will always run from the highest point to the lowest point and only branch down to the ocean. The section in the bottom middle of the map though seems to form a loop with the sea, with the lakes draining at two different points. such an occurrence I don't believe would occur on earth (there are tutorials on building realistic rivers in the tutorial section of the forum if you want a more coherent explanation. I think I butchered this one ).
Also, the trees here are nearly the same size as the mountains, which really removes some of the emphasis from one of (to me) the most impressionable land features on a map.
However, both of these are just suggestions as everyone maps in their own fashion so take what you will and discard the rest .