Well, mostly fantasy, anyway! I've also written superhero novels and a single science fantasy novel so far that came out in early March. If anyone cares, here's my Amazon page. Ah, I should add that I'm an indie author, self-publishing all my stuff.

While I've created some maps using Campaign Cartographer before, I'm not terribly good at it. I don't think I'm terrible, but I certainly don't think I'm very good. That being said, I've decided that I'd rather pay more attention to what I'm good at than spend the time to do mapmaking justice, so I decided to come here to look at commissioning some maps (particularly continent/world maps, since I'm particularly bad at those).

What else can I say... eh, that's it, really. I might take a little while to get the request I have in mind first together before posting anything. Glad to be here!