Hello, all! I'm sure this has been posted before, but I have absolutely no idea how to search for it.

I've been trying to write a book, and one of the main settings is a very, very large mansion or factory with irregular geometry, vertically and horizontally. I'd be able to handle the horizontal irregularities on my own, with pen and paper (and maybe a compass or such) but there's the vertical dimension to worry about.

Let me give an example: A room's floor might be two, three feet off of an adjacent room. Ceilings and floors don't have a fixed height between the two. If there's a vaulted ceiling, that doesn't mean that the roof is above it--the floor of the room above it could be slanted. On top of it all, there are small corridors winding througout anywhere that space might be "wasted."

So, I'm looking for a program that would help me render a "map" of the place. I was trying Blender out, but I ran into some trouble. If someone can think of a program that might help, please let me know.
