Quote Originally Posted by Karro View Post
Yeah, except, I'm not really any more in the know than anyone else. I'm a financial analyst, not a climatologist! Almost everything I know about climatology can be attributed to short spates of self-study in some friends' college climate textbooks, reading bits and pieces from the Climate Cookbook, and especially to reading Expeditious Retreat Press's Guide to Mapmaking, which I had once read, lost in a hard-drive crash, and was re-pointed to thanks to others on this forum. I don't think I was even the first on this forum to approach mapmaking this way, and I'm certainly not the best!
Oooooh! Steve Jackson stuff. I used to have a whole load of work along the same lines and, like you, lost most of it in a hard drive/motherboard crash. Still got a little bit of it though, particularly a little blurb about planetary surface temperatures based on stellar temperatures and distances from the stellar surface.

Still, though, a bit more in the know than I am at the moment. This whole climatology thing will probably be my next big push, however, so it's still a good thing to see it being worked out by others.