Circumference – 42049.624km


• Mining Distribution (relative to Earth):
o Metal +120%
o Radioactive +217%
o Precious +164%
o Crystal +135%
o Gems +240%

• Populations have developed with high mutation resistance as a whole.
• Genetically, a recessive gene interacts with biological/chemical/genetic triggers causing evolutionary jumps
o 1/10000 have a potential interaction based on random population distribution
o Evolutionary jumps may be almost anything
o Evolutionary jumps can vanish in the next generation depending on parental genetics etc – in fact, they are likely to vanish due to the recessive nature of the gene
o This gene interacts, potentially, with every other gene in the body
o Differences are typically manifested from conception forward as opposed to some spontaneous change; exceptions to this are those changes that occur due to hormonal changes in the body (i.e., puberty, menopause)
• Mating of carriers, particularly those with related evolutionary changes, can produce offspring who demonstrate those evolutionary jumps in even more pronounced ways

• 0
o Lived in small groups dominated by the strongest, who took what they want, leaving less and less for those lower down the line; in one community one man challenged for dominance, but upon winning, didn't keep everything, but shared out equal amounts to all in the community, fighting off first one, then another challenger, though with more of the community supporting him one by one. The value of community, equality, etc became dominant.
o One wise woman, seeing the start of a new era, made a mark of the first day...and she and her descendents continued to make marks each day....
o Spread across the NE corner of main continent over next 4000 years
o Onset of new era with people living longer, working together, being safe

• 50-250
o Art began to develop around the calendar, long strips covering years and years, as weather, the phases of the moon(s?), sun, and close planets are added.

• 257
o Recognizes patterns of seasons over last 200 years

• 303
o First form of alphabet to record sounds created, up until now, symbols used for calendars, but not for recording spoken word, etc

• 4023 (recorded history)
o live in small communities of a few hundred each
o NE corner of main continent
o essentially an isolation
 mountains to the east
 have not made move to waterways or oceans for transportation or food
 non-aggressive wildlife trapped with them at this stage
o total population is ~300 000
o till now, evolutionary jumps in population have either died in childbirth or gone unnoticed due to minimal nature
o nature of population as a whole is oriented toward community and mutual support, violence between communities is very rare – partly because of distances involved, and partly because of homogeneity of population
o economic focus
 agricultural
 arts
 education
 trade between nearby communities
o population well versed in basic breeding of animals and plants to develop certain genetic lines, though they don't understand the reason for it
o they also understand the need for healthy "breeding" in that if they mix different populations of animals (in the same "line") the offspring are usually healthier than their parent groups
 they don't associate this fact consciously with people, though it does affect their society
o different communities gather for festivals
 focussed on diversifying genetic stock and trade of specific lines of domesticated flora and fauna
 also focussed on youth meeting new people from outside their communities to form family units, typically the male will move to the new community, though this is not always the case; it depends on the relationships formed and who is involved
• this is one way in which the communities sub-consciously maintain healthy genetic diversity within small relatively isolated communities