I like it. It has a good colour scheme and a clear layout.

I would avoid the bump mapping on the coastlines. This has given you some very sharp highlights and shadows on the coast - much more so than your mountains, which feels the wrong way around. Instead I would suggest that you remove the bump mapping and pay a little attention to creating a sense of elevation on the mountains. Using a mid gray layer set to overlay is the way that I do it - then paint in lights and darks and they will look like highlights and shadows.

If that all makes no sense at all, let me know and I'll direct you to some tutorials that cover it.

I like the rivers and the water actually, I don't think that's an issue.

Finally, you can upload a high res image by using the attachment manager (paperclip at the top of the advanced view for composing a post). This will give everyone a better chance to see the map that you've created. Oh, and you certainly deserve some rep for your firstmap - congratulations!

Edit: I see that you edited it for that already. Great.