Thanks for the quick feedback!

Unfortunately, to make the smaller fonts more legible would require me to make the map even larger than it is to fit the larger sized fonts... which I can do but the map is already pretty huge. Perhaps I can take out the smaller river names altogether, since they are the smallest text on the map, and really aren't as important as cities and landmarks. Thoughts?

And in regards to the extent of the sandstone overlay, I can definitely tone it down - thanks for the feedback! I think I'll stay with the sandstone effect (as opposed to parchment) though, since it has been my intention all along to make this a sandstone relief.

And in regards to the uniform fonts currently in place... does anyone have any 'hand-writing' styled fonts they would recommend for me to replace the current fonts with? I don't currently have any in my personal collection.

So yeah! Any other pointers?