Hi there! My internet handle is Ataraxxi, but you can call me Jack. I found my way here thanks to recommendations from the illustrious Deven Rue. I've always found the art of fantasy cartography to be pretty cool, but I've never had the impetus to try it out until now.

I'm more of a character artist by hobby, writer by study, and customer service representative by occupation, but my true passion overall is Dungeons and Dragons. Go figure why I wound up here, eh?

Anyway, I got curious about mapmaking tips once I decided I wanted to make a gift for my DM- that is, a hand-drawn map of his homebrew world. I really want to make it and make it well, so I'm searching out places to get pointers and all that.

It could also be fun to make friends here! So don't be shy. Best of luck, fellow cartographers!