I think ravs is right [about the tutorials, that is, definitely not about the "better artists here"!!]: if we made tutorials a hallmark of the site, especially tutorials covering multiple cartographic applications & multiple purposes, then traffic will definitely increase.

But I also think, if I may say so as a rather newbie-guy, that we may be premature in thinking about that too much. I am confused as to this site's purpose: why exactly does TCG exist? Sure, it's an alternate to the Profantasy & Dundjinni sites, and that is valid, but they are both already so well-established with wonderful offerings & communities that the Guild is really just an off-brand; if that's the purpose, then I believe we are quite unnecessary to anyone other than the few stragglers who don't feel comfortable on those officially-sanctioned sites.

I initially thought that the purpose of this site could be to offer a community to other programs who have none (Photoshop, GIMP, 3-D apps, etc.), which is valid & feasible. It's also the reason I began posting here (I am a member of Dundjinni's site, but why post a Photoshop map there?)

Or maybe we could also be a harbor of tutorials of all types, as ravs suggests. This is an exciting idea: go to a site that neatly & quickly offers access to all sorts of step-by-step instructions to make city maps, dundgeon maps--or, perhaps, even 3-D renderings of things, etc. Plus we could be a discussion community for refining those tutorials, which would only increase the validity & usefulness of the tutorials we do post.

Or, a third idea for TCG--& one that follows the tagline of the site itself-- is a gathering place of "cartography enthusiasts" where we focus more on theory, history, & such of cartography. I'm not sure if most of us are qualified for this sort of academic approach, but it is an idea.

I guess in general I'm thinking the cry to get more people here is a shade premature; we should first be asking who exactly would/should come here & why, then ask how can we assure they get" fed" (which is what Ravs was getting at), and only afterwards begin brainstorming & pounding the pavement to attract new members.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, plus perhaps if anyone (Robbie especially, of course!) will say more on the mission of site? Like I said, I'm fairly new here, so maybe you've hashed this out before? I feel this is a great place & we have the seedling of an amazing community, so welcoming, knowledgable, and supportive. And that doesn't occur everywhere!