Hey all; it's been a long time. I'm beginning a Fallout 2D20 campaign with my group and am looking for resources to create maps with. The game is partly theater of the mind, but I'd really like to play with Roll20's DungeonScrawl to make maps and locations quickly. It's pretty fantasy oriented, though, and I'm looking for symbol sets that could be used in the tool. I've got a bunch of stuff from Campaign Cartographer, but I haven't installed the tool recently. I think I've got a bunch of stuff from a few years ago though when they had that huge Humble Bundle (and I bought more from the site).

Mostly this is about speed and generating useful stuff on the fly, so a combination of top-down and isometric would be awesome, but a good selection of things like intact walls, ruined walls, dumpsters, tires, streetlights, and so forth... basically anything that you can imagine from the video games is what I'm looking for.