Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
In addition, you'd probably want the following as well;

Regional Histories (perhaps in a time-line fashion with just a few notes)
Local Histories (again in a time-line fashion but a bit more detailed)
Important Local Figures (i.e. Mayors, Dukes, Kings, Past Heros, etc)
Some detail regarding politics and local relations
Some detail regarding religion
Some detail regarding non-human races/settlements (if they exist)
Some detail regarding random encounters (both hostile and non-hostile)
Current events

GW, These are already things I've considered, but I'm trying to get a feel for detail levels...

If you pick up a campaign setting book, would you rather it cover two worlds, at three time periods, vaguely, with a promise for more detailed books later? Or would you want each nation-state covered in the detail for all three time periods? Or would you want a world overview, 1 or 2 nations covered in extreme detail for each time period, and some promise expansion of details for the rest?