Uh. I'm not sure I know what that was all about. Thus far I haven't complained about any programs not doing what they're designed to do. Only with my implementation/knowledge of them. Far as I can see, that's a normal part of learning a new software. Easier to ask here than to pull my hair out till I figure it out on my own.

Also-I read part of that first post before it disappeared, somehow-I've never used Wilbur, so I don't know where that came from.

The topic of this thread is to do with getting GIMP to run optimally. That's what I'm asking about. I'm really not interested in whether anybody thinks it's worth my learning. I wanna use GIMP. There's no harm in adding to my knowledge base. Furthermore I can't afford to upgrade Photoshop. Can somebody discuss this issue with me instead of arguing the relative merits of GIMP/PS?