It looks good, I think, it really does, but I do have one point of significant criticism, and it regards the font and the mountains in particular. Currently, the style of the two just don't gel together, to me. The mountains are thick, blunt lines, which is fine and doesn't look to bad, but the font is a very light, fine script. From a "hand-drawn/written" perspective, the two certainly weren't done with the same pen, and don't look they were drawn/written by the same hand. The coasts vary from the script as well, somewhat, still being a thicker line.

So, if you want it to look like one person drew the map and another labeled it, then maybe this is fine. But if you want it to look like a cohesive whole, then you'll probably need to change up either the mountains or the font, or both.

Quote Originally Posted by Gandwarf View Post

A lot of people writing fantasy novels it seems
Yeah... and sadly to suggest that 1 in 20 of us (yeah, I'm writing one, too) might actually get published (through a traditional, paying publisher, at least) is probabl optimistic. Of course each of us thinks ours is good enought to be that 1 in 20 that maybe does get published, but we generally lack a bit of perspective. But getting there (i.e. there = a finished novel) is half the fun, anyway! Getting paid is just gravy, right?