Heh, jump on the hunab.ump bandwagon, guys. I thought this topic had fallen off the radar, but it seems it has been necromancered back to unlife.

Anyhow, I want to thank all my fans and supporters out there, you know who you are, for your continuing support during these testing times, as they say, the rest is "the show must go on", give peas a chance, history will show and chickens cross the road safely y'all! ramalamadingdong

Steel General: I suspect I would have to make a higher DPI image for that, not impossible, most of the real work was vectors, *AND* all the images with detail were originally drawn double size. It would be death for GIMP, though, even the current version's post-process .xcf is over 80 megs on the HD! Larger images would bring it to its knees, hipcaps and low ribcage. Question is, can I make money out of this?

also jesus my rep jumped from 45 to 60 in one Ravell. no wonder the distribution of rep is so random.