Welcome to the community Wordman!! I have wanted to play or be te Storyteller for Exalted for a long time. I have the core books and a couple others. I tried to join in a game so that I could get a sense of the setting and how to run it, but the ST was horrible and I left before I even started. I collected the comic for its couple issue run, but it ended before it got started. I tried the sample adventure from WW's website, but my group didn't really enjoy it. One of these days I suppose...

I also really wanted to give Shadowrun a college try, but the only gm I could find was horrible and his group and my group just didn't mesh very well. What little we played was fun though.

Of your other games, I've played Top Secret, Gamma World, Heroes Unlimited, D&D, and a few different d20 games. It sounds like you prefer the more 'eclectic' games.

As for the map making, we are here to help and will do what we can to help.