I'm primarily a D&D nut...D20 all the way...I've dabbled in hackmaster and am going to be dabbling in some d20 modern/darwins world soon...but thats about it. I currently DM a campaign thats not too teribly active...I wish it was more active, but it can be tough getting the players (which include my wife) together. I've mostly ran my own campaign settings or pieces of friends campaign settings, right now I'm running my second full-scale-ground-up world and I enjoy doing it.

I'm 31, former US Air Force, former web application developer, now a senior systems engineer contracted to the navy basically running and updating flight sims and other virtual trainers in the aviation physiology community. I'm married as mentioned before, no kids, she's a flight nurse. I have a siberian huskie pet, and thats about it. I also enjoy doing graphics and 3d modelling...which is what got me the current job.