D20 Traveller on Grip or Fantasy Grounds when r/l doesn't intrude. It's hard to put a description on the flavour of the games we play, generally it's one on one although our player base is growing slowly, less guns and more brains I suppose. We are also more module than campaign driven, mainly because playing over the internet is much slower than playing face to face.

I'm 42, married, no children but with two cats and a dog, I'm a lawyer by trade. First started RPGs in school in about 1980 and then in university. After that my interest went onto board gaming and I've only recently come back to RPGs. I've always had an interest in Cartography of the 'real' variety; I collect maps. My interests, apart from cartography mainly lie in history, WW2 aviation, 3d modelling, science fiction and fanstasy.
