I'm a 19 year old university student double majoring in English (creative writing emphasis) and political science. I have been gaming for eight years, so quite a while considering my age. I'm currently in three D&D 3.5 campaigns, two of which I am DMing. I almost always DM -- I dislike being a player, I find it too limiting and a little bit boring. I may be adding a fourth game soon, though one of my campaigns should be coming to a close soon. I work as an freshmen orienter for my university, which logs me about 60 hours a week. I'm hifalutin and a bit of a perfectionist. I'm humble when I'm not cocky. And I'm tired.

I enjoy a well-run game. I normally play dirty fantasy, as I try to get my fantasy fairly realistic. That's a chore, of course. I like a mid-fantasy world where I can play games on either end of the spectrum. I've played super-low magic and high magic. I've dabbled in other systems but always come back to D&D. The one game I'm playing in right now is D20 Future, and it's brilliant. The system's not perfect, but it's made well enough to be easily playable. So I'm enjoying that.