Hi Don,

Unfortunately Bryce and photoshop just don't work together 'that way'.

One way of creating a landscape in Bryce might be as follows:

1. In photoshop, make a 'height map' (I recommend that you use a square canvas of 1024 px), using one of the many tutorials about how to make one - ie. cloud filters etc.

2. On separate layers paint your landscape so that it works with the heightmap.

3. Save the heightmap as a .bmp or .png img and save the detailed map (colours, etc) as a separate image (bmp or png).

4. Open Bryce, delete the infinite ground plane which loads as a default (just click on it and press delete) and then create a terrain object (press the little mountain symbol on the top of the screen). Select the terrain created by clicking on it. You should see a little sub menu of letters on the right hand side of the control cage. The bottom letter is 'E'. Click that.

This will allow you to edit the terrain. On the tabs along the right, click 'New' and then 'Load'. Load the heightmap you've saved. This will give you the landscape shape.

5. Come out of the terrain editor and then press the letter 'M' to the right of the control cage, this opens the material pallette. Load the detail colour picture, and select 'object top' as your projection.

That should do it. I haven't set out the details of loading images into materials pallete (I'm assuming you know how to do this) but if you need any help there are any number of tuts on the web.
