I have a friend in my gaming group who is using CC3 to clean up very old map he has as a background image. This is a world map with a background(which of course get pixelatted when zooming in, but thats an issue he will fix by redoing the map eventually). In any event, he is using some of the ISO mountain and forest symbols. My question is, is there a way to tag a set of symbols so that as you zoom in or out, said symbols appear or disapear? In this canse, his problem is a small island beside a large continent and the tree symbols don't match up in size. Another example would be a large world map with hundreds of labeled towns. As you zoom out, with a static image, you would have huge clutter.... as you zoom in, nation labels would become gigantic, possibly covering some towns... I know FM has this ability, so was wondering if CC3 could also so I could give him some tips (I already pointed him over here, but I don't know if he will take me up on it..)