I want to make it clear right up front that I think that, purely as a map, this is some really nice work. Seriously, I'm totally inspired to dig my copy of Fractal Terrains back out and put it back to use. It's probably 2 or 3 versions out of date now, but after looking at the lovely textures you've picked up here with it I really want to put it to work again!


(Now, I'm going to take off my mapmaking hat and put my wanna-be art teacher hat on in it's place. So if that's something you're really not that concerned with right now, you can totally blow off the rest of this and, seriously, I wouldn't hold it against you.)

... I think this map would be much improved if the colors were toned down a bit. There's a couple of reasons for this, the first one of which is purely practical. I'm working on my netbook right now, so I don't have ready access to Photoshop or anything, but just looking at it I'm about 99% certain that several of the colors - particularly that really intense green - are out of gamut. So if you ever decide to print it out, you're not going to get the colors that you imagined; you'll get whatever your printer decides is close enough.

The other reason is aesthetic. You've got so many intense colors in there that everything is competing for attention, and your poor little cities are getting lost in the shouting match between them.

One thing that would help right off the bat would be to bring the opacity on the ocean and the decorative runic circles on it down to maybe 25, 30 percent opacity of what they are now. (I love those rune circles, by the way, they're a very nice touch!) On a map like this, the ocean really only needs to be there just enough so you know when you're not looking at land, if that makes sense.

Really, if you brought the oceans down and desaturated the land area by, oh, even 10% or so, I think you'd find the whole thing has a lot more pop.

But, again, please feel free to take that with as many grains of salt as you like! Throw the whole shaker on there!