I like to see commissioned work to use as a benchmark for my own skill development. To see if the maps I make are "good enough" or on "that level". So all in all I hope to see them when available. I agree that anyone could pirate it, however I cant see them (fantasy maps) being used any other way than for "personal use" at their own game table. Sure some person will tell their friend THEY made the map but i cant see a map taken from this site being republished for commercial use. As soon as it goes to publication its legal plagiarism and the gaming industry isnt nearly large enough that it could be republished without being noticed. A major columnist for a large NY? newspaper just got caught plagiarizing a paragraph from a Blog. It was noticed even amongst all the articles and blogs on the subject (Bush and Cheney). The gaming community is so small i cant see how you could Publish something without SOMEONE noticing it from somewhere else. Not a FACT but assumable. I vote for watermarking just to keep the commisioning companies and the members of this site as integrated as it is. (I hope it gets to the point where this is the first place an RPG company would come to, to recruit a cartographer - we offer many different styles)