Hey everyone!

I'm new here, thought I'd drop a line introducing myself.
My name is Alexander Stukart, 21 year old Dutchman from Lelystad.
I've been into drawing and map making from a pretty early age, designing all sorts of fantastic fantasy empires.
Usually I just drew the maps on a piece of A4, but I've been messing around with photoshop recently and things have been working out on there, surprisingly.

Apart from drawing (Which is just a hobby I practice rarely these days, mind you.) I play the guitar, I like listening to music, and reading. I'm hitting the Feist series since mid-lastyear, and have been reading philosophy in between reads.

As of september I will be attending college to get my teachers degree in Civil Studies (Or whatever you guys call it).

Ok, that's me in a nutshell
Thanks for reading!