This was brought up in another thread but I think the budding young artist deserves protection from thread jacking .

The idea of a children's map challenge strikes me as a worthwhile event. It might be better done with a possible Email address - say '' to work in conjunction with the normal forum entried. We could have a 2 month challenge with 'awards' every 2 weeks.

Adults might play a fairly large motivational\organizational role with something like this. They could enter them here or send them by email and we'd have a gallery everyone could view. Based on the entrees we could come up with categories - biggest world, most monsters, best colours etc.... Hopefully there would be a lot of good things we could say.

Assuming Arcana is hipped on the idea, it would be elegant if we could tie it to a day in the year... Ideas? and then give interested people a little warning. A lot of adults might want something to teach the children while they encourage them to map.

I have no idea how many children are within ear shot to participate. Anyone know?
