I haven't been able to work on this for a few days, but I'll be getting back into it soon.

I'm interested in what you guys would expect from a "Traveller World Map Generator" in terms of map appearance. The obvious UPP stats to work from would be size, hydrography, atmosphere, and possibly population (for city density, if the generator will place cities). Hydrography gives us a spectrum from desert world to water world and various ocean percentages in between, and atmosphere would affect vegetation, but even on those two axes the setting allows for so much variation that representation could be problematic. If I used little pine trees to represent thick vegetation, then it wouldn't seem very alien, so perhaps simple color-coding of hexes would be best. But then should all desert worlds be brown, all seas be blue, and all vegetation green? If not, then so much for an easily understood coloring convention.

Any suggestions?