Another fantastic map, Schley! I saw this in Dragon 376 before you posted it here and immediately recognised your style from your previous Cormyr map (which was the best map of Cormyr I’ve seen).

I agree with Aegeri’s comment on how you should have done the 4E FR map. The watercolouresque style of the map in the 4E FRCG lacks the engaging detail of yours, and I prefer your style because you’ve kept the basic style of the 3.5 FR maps but improved on it beautifully.

There is one thing though, and it sprang out at me when I was studying your map in Dragon – I would have liked to have seen a map key. I’m not sure what the difference is between the square settlements and the circle ones. I imagine towns/villages(?) but don’t know which is which, and are the crescent moon symbols moonwells? I’m guessing here because my knowledge of FR is only limited and I imagine it would be very confusing to anyone reading your map who has no knowledge of FR lore.

Thanks for another great map posted. I love the expanded size and feel privileged to get my hands on an extra large copy (compared to the size published in Dragon) and I hope to see you mapping, and posting, more FR maps in the future.