I personally like the color palette... especially given the name of the map. I actually really like the dark-colored woods that are in the south, in particular. And I also am partial to the way you have done your mountains--with shades of reddish-brown indicating elevation. It was done to great effect in the current lite challenge map by Alb. Finally, I like the stylized patterns you are using for your different terrains.

Guess all around a great start!

The two crits I have now are, first, I guess I'm not sure what the different green regions are. Are they all forests? The textures on them don't match up, so while I suspect they are, I'm not certain. Also, I don't like the points where your mountains overlay the forests. Its accurate and conveys information well, which is good. But IMO it doesn't look that hot.

Oh, and the issue about rivers and forests. I recommend you just pick one style and stick with it.