Welcome Dethinblack. Army brat and USAF '81-'87. Stepson in the USMC who is an Iraq and Afghanistan vet. Thank you for your service.

The first thing that jumps out at me when looking at your map is that there are no fields around the village. I get that fish would be a big part of the local diet, but agriculture is always a part of any settlement where that is possible. In addition, clearing forest is a safety precaution as well. An army can approach a settlement within hailing distance if the woods aren't cut back. This happens naturally in most cases as wood is needed for construction and typically the closest trees are the first to be used--for practical reasons.

Overall though, the map is attractive and nicely designed. There is a certain something that is difficult to define and even harder to teach, but you can tell when it's there. You seem to have it. It is a combination of balance, sense, art, structure, conservatism and daring. Keep it up!