Thanks. gorkamorka.

You are right with the "mappy" bit. When you look at historical maps since the renaissance the mapmapers tended to cram as much information as possible onto the map. Where information was lacking they added imagery, sea monsters etc. Later maps (esp. in 19th century) were a bit tidier, but any map in an atlas or schoolbook also added a lot of information - geograpical features, political divisions, longitual/latitudal data, often shipping lanes or similar.

I'm going for a more "cartographical" look with the Venus map that goes with this setting:

This was not what I was going for with this map - it's meant more as something you'd find in a newspaper, offering a general overview, but no too detailed data. Something that may illustrate an article about foreign policy.

You're right, that Greenland/Iceland belonging to Denmark doesn't quite show on this map. Unfortunately, lots of smaller text doesn't quite show. Maybe I'll add some legend later.