Don't think I ever did any coastline tutes (I generally draw them by hand with the pencil tool)....the two best ones (IMO) are RobA's and Ascensions. I'm glad you found the city tutorial helpful. It struck me that we were all getting highly developed on style but many of us (including me which is why I started to write the tut in the first place) really didn't know an awful lot about the fundamentals of city design.

Sorry about the blog site - I recatogorised the photos in photobucket so all the links are broken. All the maps there are posted here though.

I'm self taught on PS and have scoured the web for tutorials, but never have I found one on clipping layers. I use smart objects for photograph editing but never saw a use for them in mapping...until now that is. Thanks for opening my eyes!

I have to say that your clipping layers / smart object technique is the most useful tool for non-destructive mapping I've seen for many years and it really deserves more visibility. You should cross post a link to your video tutorial on the tutorial section (which is the most visited part of the site). Do that, and I'll give you a tutorial award so that more people look and learn from it.

best Ravs.