I added a few islands to make things more interesting. This didn't seem like a big change since the main maps were much farther out and probably wouldn't have noted small islands.

Bina in silhouette with blur. I had some trouble with the blur and the islands. This technique really seems to suck up islands close to the mainland and add them in. I suppose it could be edited later in the same way you'd add rivers. I tried to edit the blur more by hand but for some reason when selecting the blur tool and using like a paintbrush, noting seemed to happen. Obviously I'm not doing it right. Any suggestions/links?

Here's an image from the land clipping before working on the ocean. You can see here I tried to force the islands to exist a bit by editing the land area a bit after the blur was applied. I redid this several times, eventually deciding I couldn't move forward if I didn't let it go.

And now with ocean and a little bit of grass. I'm already disappointed with the colors. I feel like the ocean should be darker and the grass. . . different. Maybe this me struggling with my previous misconception of how fertile the land should be. I know I'm going to need some arid areas later on as well as some lush ones. I just I can add them seamlessly.

Again I decided to move forward with what I have rather than keep editing here, not knowing fully what will happen later. I need to get through the tutorial so I've done it once. I can always do it later.

For now I'm going to put it on temporary hold, as I think I might be DMing on Sunday and need a human capitol. Look for that thread later.