I know I'm jumping in late but my world has many different names, a different name for each different race/culture/country so I try to come with a name that just feels appropiate or true to the flavour of that group. For the most part I don't have a name for the whole world as a lot of the races/etc don't seem to think of a world beyond their own. For example the Dal People are isolated from the rest of the world, unable to expand they have no word for world as their world as they know it isn't all that big, so they would just use the word Aia which means earth. My world does have a true name, Drigau, which was past down to the Elder Races from their gods. A friend and I came up with this name, we were somewhat slack with its creation and decided just to take the first 3 letters of each of our surnames and make a word out of it; so Dri (from Driver, me) and Gau (from Gaunt, my friend) came together to make Drigau.
