Oh ok - well there's the Thumbnails which I kinda keep up to date. The main one is the finished maps but there's a set for every challenge by month too and each month we get maybe 10-20 maps so there's a load more to check out there. There's a set for the Lite Challenges now as well. There's also thumbs for the choice maps but these are almost always in the finished set too.

I also maintain several indexes. One is the members map with a link from the Community menu on top bar. I also do a members intro thread index because I cant remember who is who. I also do a site thread keyword index. Both of these and the members map are on my sig.

Theres also a tag system running where new threads are supposed to get tagged so you can search on those as well. And then theres the search box too tho if you dont know what your looking for then you might not use it.

Finally, and I guess you know about this... there is the CWBP. Thats the community world building project where we take a world and collectively map in bits. Thats what Gamerprinter is mapping Kaiden and the rest of us (plus gamerprinter too) have tiles in Ansium. I maintain the place index for that as well on the sig and I also provide the Ansium overview map which can be found in the CWBP wiki. IndustryGothica maintains the wiki and has a linkable version of my overview in there for ease of use too.

But yeah, check out the challenge thumbs. Thats got a lot in there as well.

PS. The thumbs and indexes are not always bang up to date. They lag the site as its a big fetch to get it all and index. Its done maybe monthly with current challenge thumbs done more frequently as and when - like earlier tonight for example