Hello there.

Ok, first : I'm french.
I know it's realy a violent way to introduce myself but I belive it could explain some gramaticals errors, and scholar syle. You know, I still have all the clichés in my heads. Such as : ... My taylor is rich ! ... Sarah is in the kitchen ! ... Oh, it's rainy today !
Well all that stuff, and more !

So, now that I break one mystery we can focus on the most important : the social background.

Generaly speaking child love all things... not my case. I was like that smurf who hated all. (I don't remember his english name. Nevermind.) I look like a geek with all the dedicated outfit. I mean the out fashioned pull over and the glasses stich with huge bottle buttom. So naturally when I grew up I became a punk whith hair revolution and pimply face. I still be nostalgic of that time. However I rather nowaday : a more calssical guy ending his studies who regurarly go to the hairdresser when the revolution come back. Best of all, I quit hating all things.

End of the story for now.

Post scriptum : A balalaïka is a russian traditionnal mix between banjo and guitar.