No map yet, just a placeholder, for now.

For a while, I've been wanting to develop the Sea Dragon Palace of Kaidan, as a place for the Sea Dragon god of the seas to inhabit, protected by Ryujin (sea animal shape-changers, dragon folk), same-bito (shark men), squadrons of sea turtles off the northwestern coast of Ryuki Island, on my Map of Kaidan (Ryuki is south of Yonshu Island, in the center lower left of map)...

Islands of Kaidan

In Japanese mythology, the Ryu (Sea Dragon god) dwells in a palace beneath the sea (location unknown), however sharks and sea turtles have significance in the legend.

Secondly, there's the existence of the Yonagumi Monument, a controversial set of rock formations 15' - 100' below sea level off the Coast of Yonagumi island, in the Ryukyu chain, south of Japan, that some claim to be "built by human hands", while others contend these are natural rock formations.

I'm going to borrow described structures of Yonagumi Monument and create a Sea Dragon Palace city, residence of the Sea Dragon god, royal family, royal guards, temple structure, near a reef, I see a possible submarine city location for Ryujin, same-bito, ningyo (Kaidanese merfolk) of several thousand.

I'm thinking some kind of cross between Japanese Castle town architecture and city plan, crossed with Yonagumi megalithic structures and use the reef/sea floor terrain to help define it.

Sounds to me like an interesting project, I will probably continue my hand-drawn digitally enhanced style to portray the Sea Dragon Palace & City.
