Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
For me, I prefer my clients sending me RGB files, as the software automatically converts that to the appropriate color format and depth. My large format printer uses 12 colors to print: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Photo Cyan, Photo Magenta, Gray, Photo Gray, Medium Gray, Red, Blue, Green.

I can print up to 2880 x 2880 dpi.

CMYK conversion is usually too complicated for the average user to work with, I make the final decision and the print device accomodates.

Ah, that's really interesting to know. Forgive me, as I wasn't trying to step on any toes or anything. Once upon a time, I know Photoshop had a (probably pretty crude) function buried in a menu that would convert an RGB space to a CMYK space, and in the few times on the job (I work in video, and I used to use Photoshop daily for graphics) when I had to print something off for a client, that CMYK conversion yielded better results.

Like I said, I apologize if I was stepping out of line.