Classic "D&D" map, though of course a lot more sophisticated than anything we ever did back in the day--it evokes nostalgia for simpler times when fun was easier to come by and every wrinkle we threw in was a first.

It got me to thinking about back then and how things have changed. It was thirty years ago when I placed my first game of Dungeons and Dragons, and last week I played my last. We just finished a year-long campaign, and we won't be playing D&D again. We plan to kick the tires on Heroes for a month or three, then slide into Pathfinder. Needless to say, 4E didn't impress.

Anyway, thanks for triggering the memories. I think it's the simple lines and clarity of the map that do it, so that's a quality you might want to preserve as you develop the project. You'll find no shortage of folks around here worshiping at the alter of simplicity, but we all too often come up short when it's time to tithe there. I guess it's a hat tip to the fact that, while we emulate cartographers, the actual purpose of our projects is frequently to impress with our artistic talent or sense of style or clever ideas, rather than to convey information as effectively and efficiently as possible.

I look forward to watching this one develop.