This is a great tool for graphic designers to create maps for brochures and websites for clients. It's output is simple (which is needed for the end user to understand the map without the information overload found in Ordnance Survey maps), the edibility of the maps you create is excellent and it's very quick and easy to get great results! The feature list is unbelievably amazing cutting the creation time down significantly and making any edits bewilderingly fast. I would not have dreamed an app like this would every be possible in my wildest dreams!

I'm strongly considering it because I need to do a lot of maps of this nature for clients. I currently use Illustrator and although I'm good and pretty fast in Illustrator, this would save a whole lot of time and reduce the complexity meaning I'd be able to hand the creation of maps to someone not as experienced in Illustrator and still get great results!

I'm not sure of it's relevance here though as it's very specific on the type of map it can create - a simplified 'You are here'/'how to get to us' type of map and not a fantasy/sci fi type of map. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing at 'You are here'/'how to get to us' maps that are very easy to understand but it'd work for fantasy maps if there were extra symbols and terrane effects. The simplified output is good to large campaign or smaller adventure maps that are easy to understand and very descriptive I suppose but for me, most of the fun is in creating some olde worlde type of map that's very stylised for adventurers that's either antique or satellite looking.

That's merely my opinion though and as I said, this is going to be seriously considered (and a no-brainer purchase if it was ever on maczot, mupromo, macheiste etc as part of a bundle or an individual item)!