You can do the dotted border by setting the spacing on your pencil tip (not brush) to 150% or more. For a dashed line you need a few steps:

1. Make a path with the pen tool.
2. Pick any pencil tip that you want but set the spacing to 1%.
3. Stroke the path.
4. Click on the eraser tool and at the top set it to pencil mode.
5. Use a hard square pencil tip that is exactly double the size of the pencil tip you used to make the line.
6. Click on the brush editor and set the spacing to 300% or more and set the angle jitter control to direction.
7. Stroke the path with this modified eraser and delete the path when done (if you want).

The two most important things here are the spacing and the direction control on the eraser...otherwise the results will be unpredictable. If you were to make your own brush tip in a rectangular shape it won't work either (it doesn't bend around curves, I've tried, so that's why I use a hard round pencil tip to draw the line and a square to erase holes out of it). By the way, I use CS as well so I know this works.