The idea I'm having thus far for this province is something like this...

This world is presently a medieval-type fantasy world, but a couple hundred years ago, it was a very modern world, pretty comparable to a First-World nation of today. The modern world was ruined when an industrial accident (I'm thinking something akin to a Chernobyl-esque nuclear plant meltdown on a larger scale) pushed an already polluted world into disarray. As the contamination from the plant spread into a major river, the main water supply for a massive region was devastated. As the damage spread, large areas were wiped out, and as things got worse, the civilization sort of went nuts as they struggled to survive. Unfortunately for the modern world, as it was on the brink of world war, another such accident happened, the already beleaguered world was pushed past the brink.

Several hundred years later, very few remnants of the old world still exist. The wars destroyed most of the signs of modern progress, and looters, the treasure-hungry, and those trying to make a meager living looted and ravaged the rest.

In the province of Nesspressen, which was at the far reaches of what was a major empire (think of something like the United States, except as an empire), there wasn't too much development. One thing that I'm thinking of is that the remnants of one of the trans-empire freeways will run through the province. The Nesspressen River is a major river that runs for hundreds of kilometers (hence the depiction of its size on the map), and it serves as an important shipping corridor. The Lake of the Farduraan is believed to be cursed, so few people ever approach its shores. For a couple of generations after the great cataclysm, the water of the lake was unable to support life, and it had a poisonous quality to it, so it became known as a cursed lake (even though it's fine now). There will also be some ruins along one of the shores. There will be some cities, although I've not decided much on those, yet.

Culturally, The populace knows little of the remarkable past, as the survivors were loathe to speak of the cataclysm, and as the remnants of the modern world were destroyed, the knowledge was destroyed with them. This world has an interesting intersection between magic and technology. In the modern world, technology and magic were one and the same. People had mass-communication devices and all sorts of other modern wonders that we would think of as technology. In the present world, magic is what one would expect of a fantasy setting, although there might be a random wizard-type out there with some neat (and functional) artifact from the old modern world.

Eventually, if I get really ambitious, I might create more of the rest of the world, but for now, we'll consider that a very ambitious ideal, especially since I don't have a use for this setting right now...