looking good so far, but you really should watch out for the river violations. Specifically to the south of both continents.

Unless there are reasons (usually magical or god related) rivers do not split in the down slope direction. Rivers flow from high ground to low in the the path of least resistance (insert scientific reasoning here ) and generally get larger on the way there. If they split at all it would generally be for a short distance and only to join up later, creating a river island (google maps Montreal for example)They most definitely would not split up and have many different points where they enter the oceans of the world. an ecxeption to that last bit is deltas, but I don't think that that is what you are showing in the locations I mentioned.

A suggestion to help make this an awesome map would be to start a WIP (work in progress) thread because people will generally go there to see if they can help out. You will get many more suggestions on how to fix problems and create effects that you haven't figured out yet.

Enjoy your stay, and follow the Guild motto: Post Early, and Post Often (I have forgotten the Latin version )