Quote Originally Posted by Jeff_Wilson63 View Post
Er, what? This doesn't match what Inkscape does at all.
Er, just trying to help.

Inkscape does exactly what I said it does... it includes and renders linked SVG files. But it doesn't support referencing individual objects inside the file with ID #anchors, which is what your sample file requires. That is, Inkscape can use "image xlink:href=file" to include an SVG file, but it can't do "use xlink:href=file#id" to reference specific objects.

So Inkscape does what you said it can't. But what you said it can't do isn't what you needed it to do. So stop looking at me like I'm smoking an illegal substance.

Too bad Inkscape doesn't support this... it'd be a nice feature for maintaining symbol libraries. I have to keep a separate SVG file for each map symbol.