hey folks--

for the past couple of days, business has interfered with my map design projects so i've had to take a few days off. probably what's going to happen in the next few days is i will be able to scan some sketches in and work on them, so i'm going to be doing probably 4 maps a week for the next few weeks. here's a preview of the ones i'm working on, which include ideas for a short adventure path incorporating all of them.

1. The town of Knight's Bridge
2. The Tinted Tankard Inn
3. The Rebel Caverns
4. The Keep of The Crimson Despot

if anyone wants a little background on these maps, let me know. or feel free to make up your own. probably on thursday i'll have the town and inn maps done and posted. keep an eye out.

also, thanks for the kudos about my other maps. one of my goals is to maybe one day be a featured map winner, or maybe win that accused monthly challenge that has eluded me these past months.