Since its known I'm a 3e or Pathfinder gamer and not a 4e gamer, I never thought I'd be creating content for 4e, but then that's the kind of product John Four and Yax (Mike Bourne) of Gamer Mastery blog creates.

So it looks like this 3 associated maps product will be for 4e, interesting.

On an aside, Johnn gave me his philosophy on making money selling RPG products. The secrets are to create easy and inexpensive to create, but high quality products that sell for no less than $15 each. Create multiple products over the year. Through advertising, blogging and other shared exposure, obtain 1000 loyal fans - which Johnn says is not that difficult to do.

You can expect loyal fans to spend one days pay, out of an annual income on your products, which averages $100 per year. This means 1000 fans at $100 each, or $100,000 per year - a decent income for being creative.

I hope things really work out that way, I need to make $100K per year for a change!
