Thnx, i really like these new mountains. Getting a base map for this soon; shamefully I must admit I'm making the map by chopping uyp my old maps and pasting them together to make something new, hope no one minds. Four quick questions though, one about scale, two environment and one artisitc.

1) What do you think a large enough size for this map should be? The nations is basically made up of eleven smaller nations, hence the name, and I'm using a scale of 4 pixels = 1 mile. I want it to be large enough that I can get plenty of details in there but not too large.

2) Is there a rule that dictates where forests grow. I was thinking of having a huge inland forest.

3) Same as two but for snow. I'm thinking of having a race of ancient beings that live in castles high up in snowy peaks for protection.

4) Floating/flying islands are not uncommon in my world, along with magick-powered airships. How would I represent flying islands on my map, have them floating on top of a cloud layer?
