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Thread: Race Wars (forum game)

  1. #11
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected Rythal's Avatar
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    Toronto, Ontario


    Dragons: +1
    Barbarians: -1

    A barbarian raiding party marched up across mountain pass, as icy winds bit through their layers of animal skins. A lone slave girl was among them, chained by the hands, her jet black hair flowing like a banner in the wind.

    At long last, the raid leader called for a halt. They set up camp in a rocky cave, protecting them from the wind.

    as the ale started to flow and a fire was lit, one barbarian remembered the slave girl in the corner.

    "come here, wench!" called the barbarian
    "we'll cut your hands off and leave you to bleed in the snow like your mother if ye don't" jeered another

    laughter erupted among the warriors. As the laughter continued, none noticed the girl's hair grow longer. The flames of the fire cast long shadows, but the shadows grew longer still. the girls fair skin turned darker, turning scaly. A chill so cold swept over the cave that the fire went out.

    The barbarians only stared as black hair turned to sharp spikes, and arms to wings.

    by morning, all that remained of the night before were smoldering ashes, still echoeing cries and roars, and what appeared to be a great bird flying far off in the distance...

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 26
    Dragons: 26
    Undead: 26
    Halflings: 27
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 23
    Drow (evil elves): 26

  2. #12
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    Dragons +1
    Orks -1

    Martilhanis escaped her captors intent on returning to her "other" family... when she came close to her ranges she saw only death.

    Infuriated she assumed the form of the Ork shaman her father impersonated and demanded infiltrated the tribe for information. When they explained the lich's foul deeds... rage of a second loss came over her. She spent a second night decimating her lessers and by morning, only a few Orks survived. She flew once again, intent on finding help to punish the lich properly.

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 26
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 26
    Halflings: 27
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 22
    Drow (evil elves): 26
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  3. #13
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Ft. Wayne, IN


    Dwarves +1
    Orks -1

    The council room was chaotic, clan leaders from throughout the Dwarfhold of Ag-Myrak argued for their plan to be put into action. After nearly an hour Ruger Ironarm of Clan Ironarm struck his mace down on great round steel table. The resounding crash swept the room into silence. "Enough!" he roared, "we can sit here arguing all day, and in the meantime the Squam continue to raid the deep mines and outlying passageways. It's time they were taught the ultimate lesson! Here's what we're going to do..."

    ...the Orks never knew what hit them.

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 27
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 26
    Halflings: 27
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 21
    Drow (evil elves): 26
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  4. #14


    Looks like everyone's ganging up on the Orks

    Drow (evil elves): +1
    Undead: -1

    Betrayal! The Lich Lord's plans met with an unfortunate setback when a sudden attack by the Drow took the Undead camp by surprise. This, as the Lich Lord was too late to discover, was due to the treacherous Vampires, who had secretly plotted against him and forged an unholy alliance with the Drow. Though the dark lord of the dead avoided assassins' blades and escaped with his unlife, many of his minions were felled and so badly damaged as to ruin any chances of reanimation. The victorious Drow and Vampires celebrated their success for a time but soon fell into an argument over which ones were the most distinguished angsty drama queens of the world, and bitterly parted their ways after much brooding and bickering.

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 27
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 25
    Halflings: 27
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 21
    Drow (evil elves): 27

  5. #15
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Ft. Wayne, IN


    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman View Post
    Looks like everyone's ganging up on the Orks
    The only good Ork is a Dead Ork! - Ruger Ironarm
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  6. #16
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Tigard (and Florence) Oregon


    Giants : +1
    Haflings : -1

    Bugknuckles wasn't what you would call a formidable giant. In fact, he was particularly runtish when compared to his brethren and, even by giantish standards, rather dim witted. But, as it is often said, every runtish giant has his day. In Bugknuckles' case, that day came when he was cleaning up after a particularly nasty battle with the dwarves. Unbeknownst to Bugknuckles, a Hafling Host, caught up in their aphrodisiac induced haze and believing that a few giantish women might bolster their stature, were swarming up the cliff face, intent on having their way with the gigantic tribe. But as Bugknuckles threw the limp bodies of friend and foe, alike, over the side of the cliff, he took out two or three of the Hafling swarm at a time. When it was learned that the dim-witted, runt of a giant single-handedly defeated the Hafling Host, a number of giantish women became enamored with him, and so it was, that Bugknuckles begot a tribe of rather runtish and dim-witted giants who were rather efficient at cleaning up after battles.

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 27
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 25
    Halflings: 26
    Giants: 26

    Orks: 21
    Drow (evil elves): 27


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
    Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
    Current Main Challenge WIP : None
    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  7. #17


    The orcs, angered by their defeat in the tunnels, amassed an army. Under the guise of a white flag approached Ardins Hold. The dwarves recognising the orcs plea for mercy, let them approach. As soon as the orcs were a arms length away from the hold, and a dwarven guard yelling the order to open the gate, the orcs drew arms.
    The gates opened slowly, the stone grinding across its frame, revealing.. a set of three cannon nuzzles aimed right at them. Blinded by the explosion of blood and gore, the rest were quickly sweeped aside.
    The dwarves had seen through the rouse, what race surrenders in that large numbers, at your gate..

    Dwarves +1
    Orcs -1

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 28
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 25
    Halflings: 26
    Giants: 26
    Orks: 20
    Drow (evil elves): 27

  8. #18
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected
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    May 2008
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States


    Dragons: +1
    Giants: -1

    Weeks later, Martilhanis felt a strange tugging within her mind, calling her westward across the Long Hallows plains and over the Dragon’s Craw mountains. She answered the call, flying for a day and a night without stopping, the blood in her veins still boiling from rage, arriving at the sacred dragon burial grounds in the Weathered Peaks. She looked around at the ancient bones of the great dragons of lore, half-buried in the snow and still guarding the entrance to the massive cavern where the honored of the dragons were laid to rest.

    “Child,” spoke a deep a soft voice that washed over her like waves cascading down from a cracking glacier. “You must learn to cool the fires that burn within you and focus your mind.”

    A figure stepped from the shadows, tall even by dragon standards, and shimmering in the white light reflected from the snow, reflecting hues of purple and green and copper. It was Bakhimeroth, the Lord of the Western Wyrms. Martilhanis stooped into a bow, awed by the great wyrm lord’s summons.

    “We will have need of your fires when we move against the true enemy of all Dragons, the foul Lich Lord, Iskartos, who has dared not only to slay your kindred, but to desecrate their sacred corpses by raising them to a tainted unlife as dracoliches. Even now we gather a flight of dragons to move against the undead lord’s armies. But tonight, you must rest and regain your strength for the long fight ahead.”

    Bakhimeroth beckoned Martilhanis forward. At the mouth of the sacred cave, he had laid out a feast of well-seared giantish flesh. Bakhimeroth winked. “From a nearby tribe of none-too-bright giants that I think will continue to provide a bounteous food supply for the coming days.”

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 28
    Dragons: 28
    Undead: 25
    Halflings: 26
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 20
    Drow (evil elves): 27

    P.S. Sorry if the accompanying prose is too long...
    I think, therefore I am a nerd.
    Cogito, ergo sum nerdem.

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  9. #19
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected Rythal's Avatar
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    Toronto, Ontario


    hmm too much dragon love going around. Don't really worry about how long your story is, especially if its good

    Undead: +1
    Dragons: -1

    Karzoxia the Red flew high over the marshes. She was heading back to her den after devouring an entire army of humans. Or at least she thought they were humans. They might have been elves, but something didn't taste right for elves. whatever they had been she was full now. In fact maybe a bit too full, as she was starting to get stomach cramps.

    I'll just land and rest for a bit, she thought.

    As she landed, she noticed the stomach cramps were getting worse. Then she noticed the bulging in her stomache. She rolled over in the damp ground, roaring in agony. Suddenly, her stomach exploded in a shower of blood and guts. Out walked a parade of undead, marching towards her head.

    "Brainz. We liek brainzzz..."

    Fortunately, Karzoxia had passed out from terror and blood loss by the time the zombies began their gory feast.

    Human: 24
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 28
    Dragons: 27
    Undead: 26
    Halflings: 26
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 20
    Drow (evil elves): 27

    Can dragons actually wink? I thought they were like snakes.
    Last edited by Rythal; 11-11-2009 at 07:05 PM.

  10. #20
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected
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    Atlanta, Georgia, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
    Can dragons actually wink? I thought they were like snakes.
    I imagine them with scaley eyelids, but if you prefer a "wink" may just be shorthand for an equivalent gesture among dragonkind.
    I think, therefore I am a nerd.
    Cogito, ergo sum nerdem.

    Check out my blog: "The Undiscovered Author"
    It's the story of a writer... follow me in my simple quest to get published, and share your own writing stories, adventures and writerly tips.

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