Dragons: +1
Barbarians: -1

A barbarian raiding party marched up across mountain pass, as icy winds bit through their layers of animal skins. A lone slave girl was among them, chained by the hands, her jet black hair flowing like a banner in the wind.

At long last, the raid leader called for a halt. They set up camp in a rocky cave, protecting them from the wind.

as the ale started to flow and a fire was lit, one barbarian remembered the slave girl in the corner.

"come here, wench!" called the barbarian
"we'll cut your hands off and leave you to bleed in the snow like your mother if ye don't" jeered another

laughter erupted among the warriors. As the laughter continued, none noticed the girl's hair grow longer. The flames of the fire cast long shadows, but the shadows grew longer still. the girls fair skin turned darker, turning scaly. A chill so cold swept over the cave that the fire went out.

The barbarians only stared as black hair turned to sharp spikes, and arms to wings.

by morning, all that remained of the night before were smoldering ashes, still echoeing cries and roars, and what appeared to be a great bird flying far off in the distance...

Human: 24
Elves: 24
Barbarians: 23
Dwarves: 26
Dragons: 26
Undead: 26
Halflings: 27
Giants: 25
Orks: 23
Drow (evil elves): 26