Quote Originally Posted by Djekspek View Post
Looks pretty cool to me! Nice shape and symbols for mountains and forests. In my opinion it's a bit dark so maybe some lighter blue on the water? I'd also change the color of the compass rose to something brighter. Maybe the 'river-police' may also have some comments on the river flows. anyway, very nice first PS map
Yeah I was thinking of brightening the water.

Haha, "river police", I figure you're pointing at my rivers being not up to standards

Not bad. However, the whole picture looks flat. Give it some texture - old paper or something. Or the cloud render in PS. This would give the map more atmosphere.
The coast lines seem a little bit strait for me, give them more irregularities (if this was intended, forget my comment).
I found a great tutorial for creating realistic coastlines with lots of irregularities after I made this one. If I am to improve this map, I'll ceartainly add more irregularities.

I agree aout the texture, it's a bit dull. I've got some old paper textures that I'll add to make it better.

Here is a short list with excellent advice on natural river flow that you can check if you want.

Of course, in a fantasy world our laws of physics may not apply. It's fantasy after all. But it never hurts to know the basics.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm one of those people who wants to create fantasy, but keep it within a realistic and truthworthy world.

Thanks alot guys, your comments are greatly appreciated.